DSI and Myanmar Police Force attended bilateral meeting to exchange information on trafficking in persons
published: 6/14/2024 10:24:58 AM updated: 6/26/2024 8:03:44 AM 250 views
DSI and Myanmar Police Force attended bilateral
meeting to exchange information on trafficking in persons
On 11-12 June 2024, by the order of Pol.Maj. Yutthana Praedam, Acting Director-General of the DSI and Pol.Capt. Piya Raksakul, Deputy Director-General of the DSI, Pol.Maj. Siriwish Kasemsap, Director of the Bureau of Human Trafficking, assigned Pol.Maj. Arit Tatsaphan, Deputy Director of the Bureau of Human Trafficking, Mr. Paphawin Manyawut, Deputy Director of the Bureau of Human Trafficking, and officials of the Bureau to welcome Pol.Brig.Gen. Myint Htoo and the delegation from the Myanmar Police Force comprised of representatives of Anti-human Trafficking Police Force, Ministry of Defense, Department of Immigration and Population, Department of Social Welfare, etc. to the 2024 Bilateral Meeting on Counter Trafficking in Persons between the Department of Special Investigation and the Myanmar Police Force hosted by the DSI in Chiang Mai Province. This is the 23rd meeting between the two agencies to promote the cooperation in preventing and suppressing trafficking in persons, focusing on the exchange of information and reinforcing the capabilities of the agencies in accordance with the policy of Pol.Col. Tawee Sodsong, the Minister of Justice, given to the DSI that the counter trafficking in persons efforts must be carried out with the 5P principles; Policy Prevention Protection Prosecution, and Partnership. This meeting was to emphasize the aspect of partnership.
Apart from the discussion to exchange information on trafficking in persons, intelligence, directions of case proceedings, and investigative cooperation, the meeting also presented the opportunities to discuss the protection and remedy for victims of trafficking in persons and forced labor with the partner organizations who sponsored this meeting, namely, the International Justice Mission (IJM), the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the Immanuel Foundation, the LIFT International, the Rafah International, the Destiny Rescue, and the ZOE Foundation, all of which the partners that have been jointly working to prevent and suppress trafficking in persons together with the DSI. The delegation also was invited to observe the operation of the said partner organizations at their premises.