DSI joins forces with Tak Provincial Police and Narcotics Control Office Region 6 (the Operation Palee Prabya) to search the target place and seize and forfeit properties over 50 million Baht
published: 6/22/2021 7:00:42 PM updated: 7/7/2021 11:54:11 AM 1993 views
DSI joins forces with Tak Provincial Police and Narcotics Control Office Region 6 (the Operation Palee Prabya) to search the target place and seize and forfeit properties over 50 million Baht
The National Command Centre on Narcotics Prevention and Suppression issued an order to appoint the Subcommittee on Special Case Investigation and Inquiry for Seizure of Properties of the Narcotics Networks in accordance with the government policy that prescribed the integration of every agency to drive the implementation for following and seizing properties of the offenders and persons relating to narcotics in order to concretely destroy the networks of narcotics trade at the central and local levels for efficient accomplishments.
Today (Tuesday, June 22, 2021) at 8:30 a.m. the Director-General Pol.Lt.Col. Korrawat Panprapakorn and a Deputy Director-General Pol.Lt.Col. Somboon Sarasith ordered Mr. Piyasiri Wattanavarangkul (the Director of Bureau of Illegal Financial Business Crime and a deputy spokesperson of the DSI) as the Head of Operation Team of Palee Prabya 2 according to the order of the Subcommittee on Special Case Investigation and Inquiry for seizure of properties of the Narcotics Networks to join forces with the team of 3 agencies, namely the DSI (by Bureau of Illegal Financial Business Crime), the Tak Provincial Police, and the Narcotics Control Office Region 6 to search the house no. 111/11, Moo 12, Mae Tho Subdistrict, Mueang District, Tak Province by the approval of Tak Provincial Court No. 36/2564 dated June 21, 2021 for the offence of jointly laundering money pursuant to the Anti-Money Laundering Act. The result of investigation and inquiry found that the group of persons conducting dubious transactions and having links to financial routes of the network group of narcotic trade. By retrospective checks for 9 years (from 2012 to the present), it was found the flow of money in bank accounts of members of the family and other persons about 500 million baht a year. In some periods, money flows were high at 1,200 million baht, but no information of tax payment. The said circumstance might be the offence under the Anti-Money Laundering Act and the Act on Measures for the Suppression of Offenders in an Offence relating to Narcotics, B.E. 2534 (1991). The DSI is investigating this case as it special case no. 33/2564.
From the search, the title deeds of many plots of land of members of the family and others were found, including vehicle registration certificates, bank account passbooks, and ATM cards.
The officials seized properties for examination as follows.
1. The house and land in Provinces of Nonthaburi, Tak, and Prachuap Khiri Khan (5 plots of land).
2. The vehicles, namely 11 cars and trucks, and 3 motorcycles.
3. The 30 bank accounts of the target person and members of the family.
4. Some gold ornaments and watches. The total value of properties seized is worth 50 million baht.
The DSI will extend its investigation and inquiry and use legal measures for prosecution against every person laundering proceeds relating to drugs, and give them opportunities to prove innocence and guilt according to a legal process. If people have clues to crime, please contact us via the DSI hotline 1202 (free call nationwide).
Dated June 22, 2021