DSI and Department of Livestock Development seizes falsely declared meat products worth over 10 million baht duty paid value

published: 2/14/2022 11:40:41 AM updated: 3/25/2022 2:42:26 PM 1463 views   TH

DSI and Department of Livestock Development seizes falsely declared meat products worth over 10 million baht duty paid value



       According to the policy of the Prime Minister General Prayuth Chan-ocha assigning agencies to inspect the groups of hoarders stockpiling pork products for commercial exploitation, aiming to prevent the short supply and the increased price of pork products resulting from the acts of the said group and the epidemic of disease from smuggling pork products from aboard into the Kingdom without the customs clearance and inspection of the Department of Livestock Development (DLD) affecting pig breeders, pork products manufactures, and consumers in the country, the Director-General Mr. Triyarith Temahivong, therefore, ordered the Bureau of Region Operation, the agency responsible for combatting special crime across the country, to integrate its operations with local related agencies in each area for urgent prevention and suppression of the aforesaid crime in the case of smuggling goods in the category of meats from aboard into the Kingdom by falsely declaring the category of goods. The said goods is prohibited, restricted and controlled and related to the disease outbreaks. The smuggling of meat products is regraded as the offence under the Customs Act, B.E. 2560 (2017) and the Animal Epidemics Act, B.E. 2558 (2015), causing economic damage as a whole, including serious adverse effect on the public order in the aspect of public health.

       Yesterday, (February 12, 2022) under supervision of Deputy Director-General Pol.Maj. Yuthana Preadam and the Director of the Regional Operation Bureau Mr. Mahesak Punsanga, the deputy bureau director Mr. Woraphot Maihom and his team joined forces with officials from the Division of Veterinary Inspection and Quarantine of the DLD to inspect a cold storage in the area of Samut Sakorn Province. Intelligence from investigations revealed that there was the smuggling of meats from aboard into the Kingdom without permission by declaring the goods as another category which it was a false statement. The goods was transferred from a harbour in the eastern region area for storing in the aforesaid cold storage by a large container truck. The search result found boxes of suspicious goods inside the cold storage no.1 declared in the import entry as frozen products. Inspection revealed they are pork products without the transit license R.7 from the DLD or related documents to be presented to the officials of the DLD regraded as the offence under the Animal Epidemics Act, B.E. 2558 (2015). The search team seized the aforesaid boxes, 945 boxes, weight 21,473 kilograms. The estimated damages was approximately 10 million baht.

       From the intelligence, there is the network of importer and import agent groups relating to the crime commission and the said goods remain in the area. The DSI by its Regional Operation Bureau will accelerate its further investigations and integration with related agencies for inspection.

Dated February 13, 2022

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